
Joy Warugu
Joy Warugu
Published in
2 min readApr 26, 2016

First of all I must log the tidbit of the day: Mobius Strip — the only one dimensional figure in the world — fingers crossed I got that right. I swear at one point in my life I knew about the strip, oh well onto the order of business ANDELA!!

As all first days go, my excitement was on another level. Finally made it to Boot-camp! Sitting next to 39 other geeky girls was so heavenly. Wait, give it a minute, surrounded by 39 superwomen who are pretty much way better than you. Relax my sweet, don’t go there.

I think the best way to describe my first day would be through an analogy. You remember when you were a baby and you believed in magic and the supernatural (if not replace that line with “you remember that movie where babies…”) and then you had to grow up (sad face) and realize that all the magic stuff was just make-believe. Imagine now growing up and instead someone tells you that all the magic and the unicorns actually exist.

That is exactly the feeling I got during my first day. Through school, high school to be particular, I thought I’d like to be those cool nerdy guys in Big Bang Theory and code would be life for me. Went to campus (this is my version of the growing up phase) enrolled for Computer Science and realized that code stuff was just make-believe. What actually happens is you study then get a job managing networks, server, databases and so on.

Then Andela came in with promise for coders, and I was skeptical at first but Day One of the Boot-camp and am a born again believer (Yeeeaaaay — imagine party horns going off hehe). With the trainers we dived into Python basics and even though am not so good at it yet, you know the feeling you get when your doing something that just feels right for you, that is what is going on in my brain. Can’t wait for day 2!!

Small girl in a big world of code.

