WEEK 10: OJT Learning Experience (November 4–8, 2019)

Lorbes, Joyce
My OJT Learning Experiences
1 min readDec 19, 2019
Posting of insurance premiums for the month October 2019

This is my tenth week of my OJT at ACEMPC, as usual same as our last week, everything is so normal. The assigned tasks for this week are posting of loan balances of the members applied for GFAL program, their insurance premiums for the month October 2019 and computation of member’s outstanding loan balances for renewal of loan. I’m comfortable of my work because everything is well. Although there are times that I’m really tired but still it’s not a reason to stop from doing my work because there’s these vibes that makes me to do my work. I’m challenging myself always to see things through in our office environment and our task to learn some techniques for the following weeks.

