WEEK 12: OJT Learning Experience (November 18–22, 2019)

Lorbes, Joyce
My OJT Learning Experiences
2 min readDec 20, 2019
Releasing of mock cheques.

This is my twelve week of my OJT. Same works/tasks for the past weeks. We released/distributed the mock cheques for the Salary, Multi-Purpose and Enrolment Loans that has been granted, maintaining the cleanliness of working station after the work and having a good food for snacks.

I’ve been on an On-the-Job-Training course for about 3 months now, and one of the hardest issues to face is how to prove yourself that you are really doing your job and that you deserve a good grade, not only to your supervisor, workmates but also to our cooperative clients. I’ve learned a lot of things in just 486 hours of On-the-Job Training but I’ve noticed that there are still other things that I have to improve; one of it is my verbal communication.

There are times that I’m having a hard time on expressing myself, my thoughts with others because I don’t exactly know how am I going to say it in a way that the listener could easily understand it and get my point.

Ever since I started my on-the-job training, more commonly called “internship,” I have learned values that will help me build a brighter future. I learned a lot of things during my OJT. I was not only exposed to actual office environment but I also realized what I really want even before the time I graduated. What career I would want to have, etc.

