Why light ambiances are beneficial for children

Published in
2 min readAug 9, 2020


Studies have shown that lighting can have an effect on children’s mood and behavior. Bright light can heighten emotions and affect appetite. New research suggests that bright light has a crucial impact on the brain: It may foster the formation of new synapses, and enhance our ability to learn.

Blue light can energize during the day, and impair sleep during the night. And natural light can make kids happier and increase their ability to focus and think.

Did you know that lighting has a bigger effect on children with autism? Even the subtle flicker from overhead fluorescent lights has been shown to cause headaches and distractedness for many people on the spectrum — who tend to be more sensitive to sensory stimulation than average people.

Lighting systems in enclosed spaces such as sensory rooms have shown to be tremendously therapeutic for children with sensory processing difficulties.

Because LEDs are dimmable, they are preferred for special needs classrooms


