Let’s Be Scared Together!

I cowardly play Phasmophobia

Atik R. Widyasari
4 min readMar 8, 2021


Released in September 2020, Phasmophobia has been a gaming phenomenon. Ever since its first release, the game created by Kinetic Games has an Overwhelming Positive review on Steam. Even though it is still in the early access stage, the FPS gameplay and intensity discouraged me from buying it (read: I’m scared). However, after watching the JOJOsaysBreee and Lets Game It Out Twitch streaming, I changed my mind. Besides scary, I wouldn’t believe this game can be played in a fun and funny way!

Struggle at First

The Unknown Control

I might be that kind of person who tried to follow the tutorial and skipped it anyway. Besides, I was too scared; I thought the control description in options is enough; which is not (at least for me).

It has primary control for the FPS game, with WASD and everything. But, I’m late to learn how to turn on the flashlight while holding another item, turn some smudge sticks, and attach the camera to the tripod. Luckily, the latest update (07/03) will make things easier. Still, it is something that you can learn along the way.

What’s the fun if we don’t skip the tutorial and play the game directly?

No Money, No Equipment

things you can buy if you have enough money

Since Phasmophobia is about identifying the ghost, we need money to buy the equipment. Sadly, we have no starter balance. Luckily, we have a starter kit to determine the ghost: EMF reader, photo camera, video cam, Spirit box, flashlight, UV flashlight, and ghostwriting book. It’s enough, yet it will be hard if you play it by yourself.

One thing to remember, if the ghost killed us, we will lost our item and cut our salary. It will be nice to join or meet someone with a higher level player to get higher money and manage to buy better equipment; otherwise, the struggle is real.

Becoming Professional Ghost Hunter

Playing Phasmophobia reminds me of Supernatural. However, unlike the Winchester brothers, who will bring shotguns and angel blade, we will get the equipment which placed in a truck. We need to identify the ghost type by finding pieces of evidence and put them in the journal. It sounds simple, but it’s harder than it seems.

Identify The Right Ghost

After you find evidence, do not forget to put it in the journal. Needing only three proof, the clue is not usually appeared directly. Sometimes, it depends on the contract difficulty. The higher your contract level is, it took longer for the ghost to interact with your items. If you are unlucky, the hunt will begin sooner too.

Complete The Objectives

forget the tripod on the ceiling, eyes on the board

The main one is to identify the ghost with four objectives, and the rest is optional. However, if you complete other goals, you will get more money. The purpose can be found on the whiteboard in the truck. Once we finish them, it will wipe off from the board, and you can go back to your base camp or complete another. The decision is yours.

You can think of your sanity level before you proceed, especially if you don’t have sanity pills. Sometimes to complete the objective, you can lose your life due to an aggressive ghost, so be careful!

Take Photos of Anything

Photos section in our journal

If you want additional funds, taking photos is a must. Invest camera for early game, and take any pictures of anything. Did you find any bone lying on the ground? Snap it. Did the ghost show itself in front of you? Yas, take its photo too!

You can get money from pictures of many objects, but not all can be found in one contract. The items are the bones to fingerprints and footsteps; then ouija board, voodoo dolls, and some dirty sink. Also, a picture of your friend’s corpse is working too. Just keep your eyes on them!

Fun With Friends

Not going to lie; playing with friends has its own benefit. Either it’s become less scared, or we are scared together. There’s always one person to sacrifice himself to finish all of the objectives. Meanwhile, some of us staying in the truck, observing the evidence. Or, we found someone who will play effectively, carrying all the low-level users, and we thought of him as a god. Not to mention someone who doesn’t want to take his sanity pills, so the ghost will hunt him far too often.

I laughed, yelled, and panic a lot. Such adrenaline!

A family photo session

Either you like horror games or not, I think you can pretty much enjoy this game. Still, there is room for you to help or to troll your friends. Either way, you can find this beautiful, terrifying game on Steam.

