Rohit Bandri
Joys of Uncertainty
2 min readJul 23, 2016


A Happy Loneliness Poem

If you are lonely you can be sad,

But dig a little deeper and you can be glad.


When you are recluse, you get to ponder,

On the life spend, on life yonder,


You gain insights on life’s ways,

Its tempting offerings and on its stakes


The seeds of relationships that were sown,

Some yourself, some by people, unknown!

Few lasted, most were blown,

Who is to be blamed? Who is left alone?


You get these answers in solidarity,

Some truly bitter, some are petty,


In loneliness thoughts untangle,

They get a direction with the right angle

You get a chance to clear the mental mess,

The hovering uncertainties and all the stress


If you are lonely you get an opportunity

To meet yourself with unscathed clarity

You can then verify if you have been true,

To yourself, or are u rue?


This loneliness is a staunch reminder,

Of things you adore the most, of things that make you wonder

You become aware of people you miss the most,

People who make your life one big toast


So revel in your loneliness while you can,

It’s not forever, only for a short span

It’s here to help you in your time of pain

And if you trot wisely, you stand to gain.



Rohit Bandri
Joys of Uncertainty

My mantra in life -“Do what you love, love what you do”. An HR professional who loves to travel, write and dream! “The Trip” is my first published fiction novel