Joy Liu
Joy’s Food for Thought with a Product Lens
2 min readJan 20, 2016


Deserve What You Buy

Idea: Set a goal. Check-in once a day. Buy the reward if you accomplish the goal or make progress. By getting regular reminders and assigning an extrinsic reward, you can get more motivated to accomplish the goal.

Tagline: Reach your goals by motivating yourself with a reward.

Would love to hear your thoughts!

Use Case

53MM Americans usually make New Years Resolutions to stay fit

4MM of 53MM usually succeed

It’s no surprise that the most common New Year’s Resolutions are to loose weight or to exercise. Although there’s complex calorie counter and tracking apps out there, it’s still too common to not accomplish your goals.

What you need is not fancy apps; it’s finding motivation.

As a child, my parents motivated me by saying “if you get all A’s, then we will get you X”. I kept on using this tactic to reach my own goals and not feel guilty splurging on gadgets. Today, I am creating a tool so you can use this method to accomplish your own goals and feel that you deserved what you bought!

Start a 30-day exercise challenge

Choose what you want to reward yourself with

Now that the holiday season is over and you have gotten gifts for others, it is time to pick a gift for yourself when you accomplish your goal.

Clockwise: Glitek Glider, Bose QuietComfort, Amazon Echo, iRobot Roomba, a pair of shoes you feel guilty buying, a bag you set your eyes on

Accumulate $ when you check-in daily and get extra motivation with a reward in mind.

Join the beta & start with DeserveIt.XYZ today.

Increase your likelihood of reaching your goals



Joy Liu
Joy’s Food for Thought with a Product Lens

curious dreamer, determined do-er, connecting the dots, making things happen.