Using OODA loop to onboard into a new job

Joy Liu
Joy’s Food for Thought with a Product Lens
2 min readJun 20, 2018

OODA loop is a decision model that is used in the air force to train fighter pilots. The pilots need to constantly make rapid decisions upon which their lives literally depend on it. By applying this model, they are able to quickly adapt to whatever situation they are in to make the most appropriate decision at that time. Impressively, the great pilots can go through this loop in a mere second and trained to a point that they iterate quickly even at the subconscious level.

Over the years, I’ve applied the OODA loop to board into new situation such as a new job. Instead of a mere second in time to iterate, my iteration takes 4 weeks.

  • 1st week = observe: what’s been done, current state of affairs, what’s everyone’s priorities (company, organization, team, your manager), get as close to the user as possible to collect primary data points
  • 2nd week = orient: what’s the knowns & unknowns, which are the riskiest assumptions your team is operating under, what is the company culture, team norms, merge past experience with newly observed data
  • 3rd week = decide: make the most informed decision based on the new knowns and form hypothesis. Ideally, you can get your thoughts on paper to socialized across the organization & leverage your team to catch you if anything is not sound.
  • 4th week = act: act upon your decision and implement the tests in order to generate new results to observe.
  • Start the loop again. Hopefully this time faster and more precise

Depending on your organization (size, industry, current dynamics, etc.) and personal comfort, the speed at which you iterate through the OODA loop varies.

Give it a try, let me know how it works for you!



Joy Liu
Joy’s Food for Thought with a Product Lens

curious dreamer, determined do-er, connecting the dots, making things happen.