
JP McGlone
JP McGlone
Published in
2 min readJun 20, 2018

Imagine if animatronics with weak AI started taking over all forms of entertainment.

Imagine this. You go to a comedy club, and instead of a human on stage, there’s a animinatronic that looks sort of like something you’d see at Chuck-E-Cheese.

It’s voice is like Siri’s, and it only tells Dad jokes.

The audience is laughing, because the audience fought for this. They hated the idea of humans being up on stage, because humans might say things that offend them. (The horror!)

At least with an animatronic, you can pre-program what jokes it must say.

If it does say a joke that offends someone, you can give it the command “Animatronic #714, please refrain from saying jokes like your last one” and it will reply “Yes master”

The show will carry on. The audience will laugh. And you’ll stand there like:

wtf is this shit?

This is how I feel about the SJW infestation of entertainment.

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JP McGlone
JP McGlone

Software Developer, Gamer, Tinkerer, Free Speech advocate