Women do a better job than men at many things

JP McGlone
JP McGlone
Published in
2 min readJun 17, 2018

And men do a better job than women at many things.

I think it’s sad that society is trying to push women into doing everything that men do and men into doing everything that women do.

Have we considered that maybe there’s value in the idea that women do a better job of taking care of some things than men, and men do a better job of taking care of some things than women?

There are the obvious physical differences (like that women birth babies, breastfeed, and produce more estrogen, while men are larger, less responsible for procreation and produce more testosterone), but there are also other very important physiological differences, mental differences and social differences.

The hormones that run through our bodies have lots to do with our mood, behaviors and interests.

The social and sexual dynamic between men and women is not the same between men and men nor women and women. This alone could account for many of our behavioral differences.

None of this is controversial. We’ve studied the differences between men and women for as long as men and women have existed— so why the sudden shift toward this idea that women should do everything men do and men should do everything women do?

Although I think this push for equal outcome among the sexes is a dangerous one, I believe women and men need the freedom to explore what they want, and the freedom to be the exception among their categories — but by pushing this idea of equity on to entire generations of men and women, we are not catering to their strengths, and I predict this will have negative long term side effects on the collective mental health of our society and therefore be a threat to our culture, economy and overall existence.

I predict depression and suicide will continue to rise, war will become more imminent, and the West as we know it today will become vulnerable to regimes we would regard as inhumane and authoritarian anywhere else.

That is, unless we put an end to this nonsense.

Men and women are different, and that’s not just ok — it’s crucial to our survival. We cover the most ground this way.

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JP McGlone
JP McGlone

Software Developer, Gamer, Tinkerer, Free Speech advocate