Why we Sponsor the CyClean Movement and CWMC

JPAY Platform
JPAY Platform official
4 min readOct 24, 2018

Sponsoring someone or for something is a very unique and life-changing experience. The sponsorship empowers and inspires people by providing education and healthcare, or saving the environment. With the help of sponsors, the recipients are able to recover from its wound. It’s simple and basic, but “sponsorship” is much harder to put into action than I thought. But if we have a clear motivation and will, the world where we dream should soon arrive. Clearly, the JPAY platform believes that the nature of the CyClean Movement and 2018 CWMC have fascinating features that will impress you and encourage as many as people to participate. In this regard, I’d like to share with you the reasons why we’re sponsoring these project from a variety of perspectives.

Together, we can make a difference!

The people who have actually changed the world stress that it was only possible because we’ve wall worked together. I think it has a very important meaning. If you try to achieve your goals by yourself, you may end up facing limitations. But what if we could do this together and collect our passion in a basket to spread them all at one time? Maybe, we can build on each other’s strengths, secure our weaknesses, and ultimately produce better results.

Someone once said that it requires a great deal to change the world. However, if we can support people in devastating circumstances and help them overcome their difficulties, isn’t the world where those people live in already changed in a positive way? Well, one of the core values of CyClean Movement is that the actions which we’ve never thought had any impact in our mind can really make a difference. The Movement hightlights a goal that everyone shares, “Making a Clean World.” Are you excited, just like I am? Even the thought that one of our actions can make someone feel happy makes me overwhelmed and blessed. The CyClean Movement calls for your contribution with respect. Especially when it comes to environmental issues, we emphasize minor actions such as using paper cups instead of plastic and picking up trash on the streets. So, have you ever thought about what would be the most effective method? You can be a game-changer, and making a difference in life is not far from us.

The CyClean Movement with 2018 CWMC!

2018 CyClean World Model Contest is expected to be held at KBS Sports World Arena Hall on November 20. The event is designed to spread the fundamental values of CyClean Movement to make the world a better place. Why don’t you enjoy the contest with us and participate directly in a voting procedure once they are open? It will be filled with rewards and satisfaction.

Inspiring to raise your voice with us

JPAY is not just a cryptocurrency payment platform. JPAY shares CyClean’s vision for a better earth and will do everything it can in its power to assist movements like CyClean. We’ve been inspired by CyClean’s past campaigns, such as CyClean’s trash bag event, an event promoting the reduction plastic waste by providing people with the opportunity to pick up trash and throw them away in compostable bags. These actions, not just words, are one reason why JPAY is sponsoring CyClean’s World Model Contest.

However, we as a sponsor cannot do it alone. That is why we want to encourage you to raise your voices with us. We all need and want a cleaner world for our children, and if we gather one by one, our voice will be heard. An army of one, no matter how skilled, cannot conquer. But when thousands and millions unite, nothing is impossible. When our voice is heard, others will listen. This provides us with the opportunity to educate our friends, neighbors, and families and to bring about real change.

We share CyClean’s vision and believe the CyClean Movement is heading in the right direction. Therefore, we proudly say that we are excited to sponsor their 2018 World Model Contest. In addition to the fun and excitement that will most definitely be experienced during the competition, inspiration, change, and unity will also be found. Come join JPAY and CyClean in raising our voice for the world.

We still have a long way to go, before solving social and economic problems such as the environment, poverty, and inequality that remain in the world. The JPAY platform supports various projects and events to provide solutions to the issues we are faced with. Today, we’ve discussed about the positive impact that sponsorship could have on us, and explained the purpose of the CyClean Movement and 2018 CyClean World Model Contest. After all, it is most important that we present future values and goals to the people who shares the vision to make a clean world. In this regard, I think this contest will play a significant role. Now, why don’t you participate in 2018 World Model Contest and see for yourself what changes you can make? Thank you!

※ For more information about JPAY Platform, please visit our website at https://jpayplatform.com/



JPAY Platform
JPAY Platform official

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