2017 JP Handbook: record keeping for certified copies

Michael Rees
Published in
2 min readJul 20, 2017

Page 2.4/3 in the new 2017 JP Handbook gives us an informative example page from a suggested logbook. The sample entry for certified copies shows the type of documents certified shown in the comments column.

From page 2.4/3

When we look for further information in Chapter 3.1 Certifying copies of documents we find on page 3.1/5 detailed instructions about making notes in the logbook:

From page 3.1/5

We are left the vague description of ‘any other relevant details’. Bear in mind the vast range of document types for which a JP certifies copies, and the not inconsiderable time it takes to certify each copy. Given this overhead are we really expected to make detailed notes on the type of each document?

[Update 6 August 2017] Word has been received from JP Branch reminding us there is no legislative requirement to maintain a logbook and thus no requirement as to the contents.

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