JP Bulletin Issue 15 Summary

Michael Rees
Published in
2 min readJul 2, 2017
Issue 15 June 2017

On 30 June we received JP Bulletin Issue 15 to keep us up to date. Of course the lead news item was the 21 June release of the new handbooks for JPs and Cdecs — new editions very long in the making. There are a number of welcome innovations in form and structure not least being the ability to issue updated individual chapters. Within 8 days we have received new chapters 3.1 and 5.5 so are feeling the benefits already.

There is another key reminder about the new National Mortgage Form which came into force nationally on 27 May but will appear more commonly in Qld during July.

Since its re-establishment in 2016 the Qld Sentencing Advisory Council has a number of new initiatives which JPs might like to view. A list of relevant links for JPs appears in the bulletin.

It is good to see those registered for the JPs in the Community program has grown to over 2,100. These JPs work in 230 signing sites.

The tips and techniques section contains useful articles about:

  • Production notices
  • Record keeping in logbooks: need to record date, location, client name, document type, id sighted, any special requirements, questions asked and answers given, whether declaration, oath or affirmation — don’t forget reasons for declining to witness if applicable. Plus no drivers licence, credit card or passport numbers.

There are the usual sections for the Registrar’s report, JP profile, signing site news and long service awards.

