Summary of JP Bulletin 14

Michael Rees
Published in
2 min readMar 24, 2017

We received JP Bulletin Issue 14 March 2017 on 24 March 2017 full of useful information for JPs in Queensland.

Some brief news items and information gems are:

  • National Volunteer Week is 8–14 May
  • International Women’s Day (IWD) was on March 8. Women make up 53.68% of all JPs and Cdecs in Queensland
  • JPs in the Community seeking volunteers: Runaway Bay Shopping Centre Thursday 10.00–14.00
  • The numbers registered for JPs in the Community now exceed 2000 spread from Coolangatta to Port Douglas to Mt Isa
  • New Traffic Infringement Stat Dec with wording to indicate the executive position of the deponent is needed for a company vehicle:
  • When certifying photos remember to follow exactly the wording and content mentioned on the form accompanying the photo. An example is
Common practice

The main article reminds of the process for completing Traffic Infringement stat decs and who may complete them. There is new wording to indicate the position of the deponent, which must be an executive officer, is needed for a company vehicle.

An executive officer means a person who is concerned with, or takes part in, the corporation’s management.

The return address has changed a little.

Note: a merged collection of JP Bulletins is available.

