New Ways of Storytelling

Jodie Mozdzer Gil
SCSU Multimedia Journalism
1 min readDec 8, 2015
A screenshot from the New York Times virtual reality page.

Virtual Reality

New York Times Virtual Reality

Stanford Uses Virtual Reality to Make Its Heisman Pitch | TechCrunch


Vanuatu Locals Describe ‘Hell on Earth’ After Deadline Cyclone | NBC

New Southbound Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge Opens in New Haven | NHRegister


Snapchat Discover is getting crowded | ReCode

NPR Snap Chat Callout


What other tools are you seeing used by journalists in their work?


What resources does this tool require?

What value does this tool bring to the reporting?

What potential ethical or practical problems might be associated with this tool?



Jodie Mozdzer Gil
SCSU Multimedia Journalism

Assistant professor of multimedia journalism at SCSU. @CTSPJ Past President. Former reporter for the @ValleyIndy, Hartford Courant and Republican-American.