10 Ways to Keep Yourself in a Happy and Healthy State of Mind

Sometimes “shoulds” help you reconnect to what matters.

Published in
7 min readOct 24, 2019


I read once that you should never write for other people. You should write for yourself, then edit for other people.

So, this article is for both of us. A reminder and (in some ways) a checklist of things to help you (and me) maintain a happy and healthy state of mind.

I like to check in on this list when something feels just slightly off. It reminds me of all the things I know I “should” be doing.

I’m not usually one to “should” all over myself. However, this list isn’t driven by guilt. It’s driven by logic. It forces the question, “are you doing the things that keep you feeling happy and healthy?”

The items below are some of the key things that help me elevate my happiness baseline. Put metaphorically, if all boats rise with the tide, these items are the tide.

If you start to feel like you’re slowly drifting away from where you want to be, or if the seas start to feel a little choppy, here are TEN WAYS TO KEEP YOURSELF ANCHORED IN A HAPPY AND HEALTHY STATE OF MIND.

ONE — Have a Morning Routine

Are you starting your day with a morning routine you enjoy?

It doesn’t matter what it is, jump out of bed, spin around ten times and eat a bag of Cheetos in the bath for all I care. As long as it’s a simple daily routine that gets you stoked to get out of bed in the morning, that’s all that matters.

Now, I would obviously advise you to use this time to incorporate some other activities that are good for mental health, such as meditating, working out and eating healthy. But, the point of this task, your morning routine, is simply to create a few things you do every morning that make your special soul elated to wake up.

This is not what other people tell you to do. This is what you want to do.

TWO — Workout

Cliche, I know. But I could not leave this one off the list. It’s no wonder it’s such a given. It truly works. This is one of the most difficult tasks to do when you aren’t feeling the best. But when you are going to the gym and do so regularly, you not only reap the physical benefits, but the mental ones as well.

THREE — Protect Your Positivity

Protect your mood with as much voraciousness as you have protecting yourself from finding out what happens in the Game of Thrones finale.

But seriously. If you’re capable of protecting yourself from negative energy zaps, why aren’t you?

Now, there are some things you can’t protect yourself from. Such as bills. And some people you can’t avoid. Like the boss you hate.

HOWEVER, there are things you can protect yourself from. For example…

Social media comparison doesn’t need to exist.

Spending time with a negative Nancy by choice doesn’t need to exist.

Calling your family member consistently even though they rag on you and your life . I’m sorry fam, but that doesn’t need to exist.

Put simply, spend your time wisely. On the things and people that make you feel good.

If, for you, that means spending your evening sharing a bowl of ramen with your dog, so be it.

FOUR — Find Your Flow

Find that feeling when creativity is flowing, and you are so focused on the task at hand that time passes without even realizing it.

On days when you’re feeling “off” in some way or another, use your free time to be creative. It keeps your mind occupied and engaged. The more your mind is engaged, the less chance it has to ruminate on negative thoughts.

FIVE — Get Outdoors

Get active outdoors. I realize that there are many seasons were getting outside is not an appealing or even a realistic option. But, on the days you know you can get outside, try your very best to at least get yourself to go on a walk. The change in energy from inside to outside can do wonders for your soul.

SIX — Limit Your Drinking

I know I won’t bring everyone with me on this one, but just think about it. Limiting your alcohol consumption can give you more energy and more free time to do mentally healthy activities. Don’t want to commit to this? Try drinking in small doses at important social gatherings. Create some boundaries for yourself.

This is especially helpful when you’re not in the best of moods. Sometimes, drinking can take the place of other activities that will actually make us feel better after the game is done. Yes, a glass (or bottle) of wine may make you feel better in the moment. But a walk will keep your endorphins flowing and you’ll feel better (not worse) the next day.

SEVEN — Be Social

I don’t mean going to big events and mingling. Being an introvert myself, that’s not really my jam. However, if that’s your thing, by all means mix and mingle my friend.

What I do mean is to truly connect with the people you care about. The ones you want to spend energy on. Your people.

And actually connect.


No distractions.


To take it one step further and allow yourself to be (GASP) vulnerable.

If you’re having a day, this can be difficult, but the reason why you’re spending time with those closest to you is because these are “your people.” You don’t need to drain yourself trying to think of conversation topics or put on a happy face. You.Can.Just.Be.

Even if you spend 30 minutes together and sit in silence. It doesn’t matter. The love and feeling of belonging you feel from true and honest connection will do wonders for your soul.

EIGHT — Eat for Your Energy and Your Mind

Eating well might not give you the instant gratification that you get from having, let’s say, chocolate peanut butter ice cream. But, if you eat for the health of your mind and your body, you will have a much better chance at sustaining your happiness.

Do you feel bad after you eat healthy? No. Do you have a more stable mood when you eat healthy? Yes. Do your energy levels increase when you eat healthy? Yes. Does your mind have more clarity and focus?

Why, yes, yes it does!

NINE — Have a Happy Home

What’s going on in your home? Is it clean? Organized? Does it bring you peace of mind? Do you feel a sense of “ahhh” when you walk through the door?

There are so many little things you could change in your home to make it feel more zen, bright, and airy. There’s always clutter to get rid of. And, unless you’re Marie Kondo, author of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, I highly doubt every single item and trinket in your home brings you joy.

And that’s okay! It doesn’t have to be perfect. It’s the act of nurturing and caring for your space FOR YOURSELF that matters.

Work on slowly cultivating a space that’s fully you. Start as small as you want. Light your favorite candle. Buy (or pick) yourself some flowers. Open your blinds! It’s really incredible how much these little things can shift your mood.

TEN — Have a Nightly BDR (Basic Daily Routine)

Same as your morning routine, you need to come up with your own simple steps here. This time, instead of doing the things that get you excited for the day, you want to do the things that bring you peace of mind and get you ready for (and not dreading) the next day.

Also, like your morning routine, I don’t care what you do! Do what works for you my friend. Do you want to meditate? Write in your journal? Pack your yoga clothes for the next day? Prep your lunch? Time block the next day? Not everything will work for everyone. So you choose. Go wild. Let that imagination run free. And decide..

What things will make you look forward to winding down? What things can today’s self do to that tomorrow’s self will appreciate?

One Final Note

Your life is your own and so uniquely you.

We all have our own things that bring us joy, and maybe you need to create your own list. But this list works well for me, and so, naturally, I hope it can serve you too.

Whether they do or whether they don’t, you’ll grow from trying. It’s about the act of being aware, trying new things, and actively acknowledging where you’re at and what you need in your life.

But, if there’s one key thing I’ve learned as a coach and self-development junkie, it’s that a consistently happy and healthy minds don’t just happen. Yes, circumstances and changes can lift our mood. But, for a continual and steady happy and healthy mind, body and soul, maintenance checks are necessary.

So, try this out. See what happens. And maybe, just maybe, your best self will start showing up more often.



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As a Certified Success + Mindset Coach, Shay helps clients cultivate healthy relationships, produce meaningful work, and live an authentic and enriching life.