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3 Mindset Lessons From Skiing

Life can be a journey with many challenges. Here’s how to flip them on their heads and use it to your advantage.

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3 min readMay 7, 2018


These few past months I’ve already skied over 25 days, which puts me way ahead of my usual total over the course of a season- or lifetime, really.

Skiing through frustrations and euphoric moments, I’ve learned valuable lessons which can easily be applied to our mindset.

1. Be On Offense

In skiing if you have a defensive posture, you’re going to fall- a lot. By physically holding back you’re messing up your biomechanics. You’ll be struggling to move smoothly and your quads will burn out- fast. You’re consuming unnecessary energy.

On the other hand, when you’re charging forward and putting pressure in the right spots, you find yourself gliding with the mountain- instead of fighting against it. You’re using gravity to your advantage- letting it decrease the amount of effort needed from you. You’re charging full throttle ahead.

Same thing for life. Being on defense is a waste of time and energy. You’re holding yourself back by fighting battles which don’t even exist.

Have a clear goal and charge forward, using momentum to your advantage. Attack life like a baby hugging Mickey Mouse at Disneyland.

2. Face Your Fears

Here’s the thing about skiing, once you learn the basic technique and how to make your way down a slope, the next logical step is learning to go fast. This requires being both in control and letting go.

The thing about going fast is that, well, it’s a bit scary to me. Increased chances of falling, injuries, and not feeling in control. Me no likey.

However, I do like being good at stuff and learning new skills. Leveling up my skiing has required me to face some of my fears. Both in regards to my physical safety and my mental discomfort.

All other areas of life are the same. You can’t grow if you don’t face your fears. You need to be willing to get (sometimes a little, sometimes a lot) uncomfortable. Learn to lean into it.

Learn to embrace fear as a sign you’re putting in the work to evolve and become the person you want to be.

3. Letting Go + Beginners Mind

Whenever you’re learning something new or trying to get better, you need to be willing to learn.

Whenever you’re learning something new:, look like a fool, and fall- often.

Let go of your preconceived notions.

Drown what you thought you knew.

Stay open. Try new things.

When things don’t work, dig deeper instead of giving up.

Let go of how you think it should all look like and embrace the reality and beauty of learning instead.

In Conclusion

Learning new things + life in general can be quite the terrifying and exhilarating thing. The main distinction between the two? Your perspective.

When you feeling like running away or being on defense, be on offense and engage.

When you feeling like hiding and ignoring the hurt, face your fear.

When you feel like holding on for dear life, let go.

Your heart and life will be better because of it.

Interested in navigating the learning lessons life has to offer? Book your free session with me here.

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Human, truth-seeker, lover, dreamer, and world traveler. IG: @stephanierosezoccatelli