4 Tips to Help You Thrive During Challenging Times
The past year has been a turbulent one for many of us; with a divided country, an unpredictable political landscape, and unexpected deaths of many revered, young celebrities to name a few things. Personally, I endured a corporate merger, farewells of many former co-workers, good-byes to those who left us too soon and a general “Disturbance in the Force.”
The following lessons I learned in my studies of meditation and metaphysics with two amazing teachers, Richard and Frances D’Angelo, helped me not only survive, but thrive during this time.
- “Everything is perfect just the way it is.” ~ Richard D’Angelo
Say this to yourself while taking a few deep breaths and it will instantly take you from worry, speculation, problem-solving and thinking into the future (which you have limited control over) to acceptance, peace and being in the moment. Whether you’re in a soul-sucking job you want to escape or you’ve contracted an unexpected illness, this statement reminds us that each experience is meant to teach us something, provide healing or encourage growth. I recommend posting this quote in your workspace or any place where you might need a reminder. - “It’s okay that it’s not okay.” ~ Frances D’Angelo
“What we resist, persists.” ~ Richard D’Angelo
We attract what we focus our energy on. What we may not realize is we can create unwanted situations as much (if not more) than desired situations. We are creating and manifesting all of the time. Rather than resist a situation, such as dreading Monday morning or complaining about not feeling well, accept the situation as it is. Repeat “It’s okay that it’s not okay,” over and over until the feelings of resistance dissolve. Once you shift your mindset, it will allow you to let go and create space to attract the desired situation. - Lower or, even better, eliminate expectations.
“Anger is just unmet expectations.” ~ Frances D’Angelo
When we stop placing judgment and expectations on people, anger disappears. We stop wasting energy and emotion on things that truly don’t matter. People act different ways and do crazy things for many different reasons. Just because we not make the same choices or behave in a similar way, doesn’t make their behavior wrong. Sometimes people have to experience certain things for their own growth.
When we get angry, it has more impact on us than it does on the object of our anger because we are the ones experiencing the emotion! This has been a powerful lesson for me. Try it! I believe it will bring you peace. - Love your whole self. We have to love and accept EVERYTHING about ourselves in order to fully express our love for others. It doesn’t matter if you overreact, get jealous, are insecure, ate so much that you can’t button your pants or have a big pimple on your face! You are you. You are unique. You are beautiful. You deserve unconditional love. You are worth it. You are enough. YOU ARE LOVE.
The more we can eliminate fear, control, judgment, anger and move toward love, freedom, acceptance and peace, we can better cope and help others cope with our changing world.
I hope these lessons help you leave fear behind so you can experience more peace and love!
This article previously appeared on Melissa’s blog.