From left to right: Amanda, Noelle, and Julie. Photo credit: Amy Clark.

Can Life Coaching Save the World?

Notes from an accidental CEO.

Published in
4 min readSep 13, 2018


Why Life Coaching, why JRNI, why now?

At JRNI we believe there is no such thing as a broken human. We believe everyone is capable of and entitled to an authentic and fulfilling life. JRNI is a platform that offers low cost coach training for individuals and turn-key solutions to organizations that are solving some of society’s most pressing problems in the space of healthcare, corporate wellness, health promotion and research. Our coaching products and virtual support groups are designed to reach isolated and vulnerable populations who face barriers to receive support, engage in community, and find meaningful direction in life.

Our approach to wellness is strongly rooted in economic justice. We are living in unprecedented times where humans are being displaced by automation at staggering rates. The field of wellness is a great economic equalizer. Anyone can be taught intersectionality, empathy, basic coaching skills, and how to hold space for others. Wellness is one of the few market segments that has the capacity to withstand economic volatility as the emerging middle class consumer searches en mass for relief from emotional pain and isolation. New, holistic approaches are poised to supersede disease based medical systems that have largely failed society.

We live in a world of increasing individualism, even when scarcity is making it harder and harder to survive without each other. JRNI’s two sided marketplace offers low priced training and job opportunity that brings virtual support to rural and marginalized populations dealing with acute issues. JRNI has created a movement towards real human connection, real opportunity and has built a platform to host and solve the pressing problems of our time.

You’re the CEO of JRNI, why should we listen to you?

I am an accidental CEO driven by the stories of those I employ and serve. My educational background includes English Lit, Law, Executive Coaching, Education, Social Work and Human Sexuality. I am a leader and coach seeking to redefine what it means to live a good life and create more joy, jobs, and support structures as we face the tumult of coming years.

Becoming a CEO at age 36 was not part of my life plan. It’s hard and there are days when I face my isolating mountain of work with a grim view. Becoming an economic justice warrior was also not part of my plan. I never dreamed that creating jobs in an emerging industry and championing folks to begin second, third, fourth, and fifth careers would become my life’s work. But it has, and I have accepted the challenge before me.

I am not a stranger to personal transformation. I have lived many lives. I suffered from eating disorders at a young age, experienced trauma and debilitating depression in my 20’s, fell into an unhealthy marriage that ended in divorce and stumbled out into the world at age 29 incredibly, unsure of myself and reeling from the weight of expectations that are levied on women’s bodies and minds. I didn’t believe I was fit to make something out of the lumber of my life, let alone build a temple where others could find peace.

I set about seeking. I learned. I read. I fell in love with the science of applied positive psychology and began to understand what it meant to have self-agency and self-efficacy. I was encouraged to do something with my time by a community of mentors who I deeply love and admire. I applied to graduate school and was accepted. I maintained a 4.0 through two masters degrees and in 2013 and began to lend my voice to the online community that would become JRNI. I was accepted into my dream PhD at age 35 and JRNI was launched in its first iteration later that year. I left my PhD to take the helm at JRNI and brought my young company to profitability within a year.

I am driven by the stories of the coaches we train and by the stories of the individuals who come to our community for support. I could be any one of these folks and they could be me. I’m not unique. I have simply accessed tools, education and community support that changed my life. I believe it’s vital to provide others with the education, community, support, and opportunity to do the same. It’s also vital to herald that second, third, fourth, and fifth chances are possible, that there are people who care, and that finding meaning (through connection to others) is within reach.

What do we need to know about the JRNI experience?

There is hope. There is so much hope in the world- and kindness. It’s right below the surface. We are harnessing the power of a collective of folks who truly give back to society and each other.

We’re young, but mighty. We are creating radical change through love and community. And it’s working. Join us.

Ready to start your JRNI?

Your community is waiting. To apply for our life coaching (or, as we like to call it, life changing) course, click here.

