Express Your Creativity

Reveal yourself to connect with us.

Kathryn Schwarz at Entertaining Balance
2 min readMar 23, 2018


We all crave connection… to our inner selves, our purpose, our Higher Power, our loved ones, and a community. Alot of feeling fulfulled in life is about connection.

Creativity is a powerful way to connect.

You create something — a piece of writing, a film, a show, a blog, a piece of visual art, a dance, a song, a letter, an email, a social media post, an essay, a performance, a speech, a photograph — anything that didn’t exist before you created it.

I experience what you’ve created and recognize something familiar within it, some reflection of my own thoughts, feelings, adventures, fears, hopes, or appreciation for beauty. Something you’ve created resonates profoundly with me. Sometimes what you create puts words to an emotion I couldn’t label, or gives a memorable snapshot to a hope I couldn’t visualize on my own.

Whatever it is… your story reflects my story in some way.

Sometimes your story even gives my story more clarity.

We become connected. Strangers bonded through creativity. There is nothing quite like it.

Nothing can replace connection, and it is the antidote to one of life’s most destructive forces: Isolation. This is why it is imperative that you create.

The more you create from an authentic and vulnerable place — the more powerful the connection.

You must act on your creativity and you must continue to share it with the world.

No matter how messy.

No matter how painful.

No matter how much rejection you experience.

No matter how much self-doubt arises.

Create what is true for you and share it so we can connect with the real you.

It is vital that we continually create connections that remind us of our shared human experience. You are a necessary part of that equation. I cannot connect with you if I do not know you, hear you, see you, or read you. It is not easy to reveal yourself in this way, but it is worth the feeling of being truly understood and connected.

Take a deep breath. Step into your truth. Express your creativity.

Are you interested in learning more about how you can cultivate the different thoughts, feelings, and experiences you want more of? Express your creativity in our Catalyst Coaching Intensive. Learn more here.



Kathryn Schwarz at Entertaining Balance
Writer for

With a BFA from NYU, Kathryn worked on Broadway, the Oscars and at ABC Studios before moving to Nashville to build a more balanced life: