Focusing In on the Law of Attraction

Published in
2 min readJan 11, 2017

What do you want more of in your life?

More living space?
A nicer car?
Nicer clothes?
Better health?

You can have all of this. You can have everything you want in life. There are many steps of the process, and many methods to get to where you want to be. The path is slightly different for everyone, as are our stories and personalities and thought patterns. Everyone is unique, though there are definitive laws of the universe to help guide us along the way. It’s our choice to respect, understand and employ them, or not.

The differences of language and attitude of people I’ve observed vary slightly, and there are many commonalities to be found and modeled.

Positive, proactive, abundantly minded humans use proactive and positive words. They speak in the now, they take action, they do, they are, they think, they write, they travel, they build, they create, they make, they sleep well, they eat well, they move their bodies, they spend their time wisely, they don’t (or rarely) watch TV, they opt for water instead of soda, organic over processed, they think for themselves and they live at a higher vibration.

Negative, struggling, downtrodden, stressed out people use words and phrases like hate, dislike, I’m tired, I don’t have time, I’m too busy, I can’t do that, I don’t want to do that and they often have no more to talk about than their favorite television show or frozen meal.

Which type of person do you want to be, based on the two above camps? Since you are here and reading this, I’m safely assuming you want to be in the first group. If you aren’t currently of that style of mindset, vibration and lifestyle, that is okay! That’s why we are here together and you’ve made the right decision by taking this journey to better your life, and the lives of those around you. As you embark on this journey, you’ll notice things begin to change for your life.

People might look at you differently and you might look at people differently. That’s to be expected. When you change, your life changes. When you grow, things shed away so more can come to you. It’s not always comfortable or easy, but the outcome of positive growth is so worth it.

Live good, live well, be happy, be abundant.

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