I’m Cutting You Off — and I’m Not Sorry

Charlene Corpus
Published in
2 min readMay 10, 2018


Boundaries define who and what we allow into our lives. Our boundaries are critical to our self-care and they also reflect the depth of our self-love.

When our boundaries are weak, we tend to stay in spaces that compromise our worth and respect. It’s hard to stand up for ourselves and to walk away. The lack mentality of our monkey mind chatters in the back of our head, “What if this is it? What if no one loves you? Stay because at least you know this, even if it’s bad for you.”

As our self-love grows, we learn to tell our monkey mind off. We learn to stand up for ourselves and walk away from any person or situation that doesn’t meet us where we’re at or that serves us improperly, because we love yourselves too much to allow anything that’s less than worthy of our time and energy. We develop the discernment and the strength to say goodbye with love and grace.

In doing so, our actions tell the Universe what we will and will not tolerate — and the Universe responds in kind with people and things that meet us where we’re at.

As we show ourselves more love, we get more love, because our outer world reflects the state of our inner world.

To create a life that delights us and reflects the love we have inside is a practice; setting healthy boundaries is one way that we refine our practice.

We may have to be relentless in only allowing that which serves us properly. Our time and energy are our currency, our medium of exchange. Even exchanges fill our cups, not empty them.

Don’t feel bad for cutting people and situations off. Sometimes it’s the most loving thing you can do for yourself and the other person. Fill your cup with that which delights you, that which lifts you up and empowers you, and your cup will be full enough to fill that of another.

Schedule your call with Catalyst Charlene Corpus today, and discover all the ways you can start small and go big.



Charlene Corpus
Writer for

Professional game changer on a mission to help others live, travel, adventure, bless and not be sorry. I like the -est of everything, hip hop, and red lipstick.