Manifesto for Leveling Up Your Life

Published in
3 min readMar 14, 2017

Show up for yourself. Measure yourself against your truth. Send your thoughts through your mantra for your life. See what filters out. Raise your freaking bar. Make the people who want to be in your life rise up. Chase your dreams. Do what sets your heart on fire. Settle for nothing less than this. Step outside your comfort zone. No, better yet run from it. See yourself so far beyond it that it is not even in the horizon when you turn and look back. And smile about it. Shock yourself.

Be proud of how far you go. Look fear in the face and laugh. Scream that fear has no power over you. Tell it you consider that a challenge. Challenge yourself. And your limits. And the box. Sing at the top of your lungs with the music blaring and the windows down. Be free. Never let anyone or anything hold you down. Take your past and chuck it out. It has nothing new to share. It does not serve you anymore. Do that thing that reminds you of him or her. Do it on your own. Make it about your experience. Your joy. Your moment in the sun. Remove the memory by creating something new in its place. Rock out. And create some art.

Create magic at your fingertips and share it with the world. Be authentic. Never let anyone tell you that you are not good enough. You are more than worthy. Your talent is yours alone. And you can do some incredible things. Allow yourself to own it. Own your journey. Recognize the path that got you to now. Be damn proud of how far you’ve come. Celebrate it. In a BIG way. Write love on your body. Spread your infectious personality.

And spread your story. You never know whose life you could change. Be vulnerable. Even if it feels unnatural at first. Because it most definitely will. Lean in. Say it all out loud. Even if it’s only in the mirror at first. You owe that to yourself. The world deserves to know you. To hear you. To experience what is uniquely yours to give.

Forgive. Forgive past hurts or memories. Forgive anyone who has been the root of your pain. But ultimately, forgive yourself. You are magnificent, and the sooner you realize that the better. Read. It will encourage your soul in ways you cannot even begin to imagine. It will force you to travel to another place and time outside of your life. This is good and necessary.

Have deep and meaningful conversations. With people who adore you and people you trust. They will be your biggest cheerleaders and also kick you in the ass when needed. Treasure these types of people. They will show you pieces of yourself you are unable to see. Be proud. Of everything that makes up your foundation. Even if it looks like it is currently made of sand. Climb the damn mountain. Push yourself all the way to the top, even if it feels like it will break you. You will always be stronger than you know. And remember diamonds are made under pressure. Embrace the beauty in the ashes. Realize without pain we cannot experience true joy and love. Because the line is not as thick as you think it is.

Love hard. Every person that ignites your soul. They deserve it. And so do you. Challenge yourself, to think differently. To live at a higher frequency. And rise. Rise above whatever you think is beating you. Above every thought you’ve had about yourself and your life that doesn’t propel you forward. Move forward. Don’t move back. There is so much greater ahead than has ever been behind. Jump. Into the dream you always wanted to pursue. Or out of perfectly good airplanes. Or better yet, do both. Level up. Because the only person holding you back, is yourself.

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