Self-Love is a Daily Practice

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2 min readJan 6, 2017

Loving myself is my daily practice. Gentleness, patience and practice is how I roll. It’s a habit and it’s healthy. I don’t think much about it anymore, I just do it. Self-love has become like brushing my teeth. It’s nearly automatic for me these days.

It wasn’t always that way. Hating myself was my daily practice for DECADES! I was so good at throwing poison darts, burning myself at the stake and angrily cross examining my life, down to my tiniest faults. I was always under house arrest for being me.

How did this happen? Sometimes I wonder myself. It wasn’t one thing but many.

I remember being sick and tired of being unhappy. I was fed up with how bad I felt about myself. At the end, it felt like I was literally just getting through each day and placing a check mark on the calendar. Except it was my life, and I wanted to be done throwing away those precious days of my life. The beginning of my journey started with a small desire for things to be different than they were.

I reached out and got support. I had no clue how to improve my life and start loving myself on my own, but I knew why I wanted things to be different.

I wanted to live fully and not just exist. I was nearing 50 when I started my journey, and that giant clock hung in the air. The ticking was getting louder each year. Reaching out for support was vital to my success. Others were able to help me see things about myself that I could not.

In my own way I had a Tribe, who cheered me on and wanted the best for me. They helped me focus. Those friends didn’t let me give up on myself. They loved me until I could love myself. I found acceptance in my Tribe.

What I know now, is there is a kind of magic that one experiences when truly supported. In our circle, I started supporting others in their adventures. Together, we all sprouted our own version of wings and started giving ourselves what we needed for our self-love journey.

Starting your journey begins with support to start. From there, you’ll receive focus to progress and grow your wings.

Are you ready to fly?

Click here to join the Self Love Tribe now, starts January 9th!



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