So What Now?

The question we often ask ourselves after disappointment or a seemingly hopeless event, only to discover it’s a new beginning.

Published in
4 min readAug 28, 2018


The question, “ what now? ” can have a negative tone depending on how one sees it, but the truth is, it can actually have a positive effect depending on how we choose to look at it. We often hear about the importance of being in the present moment, the here and now. Is there a better question to help us move from what we are obsessing over to carry us to the now? It might sound a little easier said than done, but the truth is if we never try to move past old patterns and default thinking, how can we know what is easier or harder?

Habits become habit only by practice, so too our thoughts and actions were once hard until we repeated them.

I know when things don’t go according to plan, or something appears as a failure, or we experience some sort of let down, it is so easy to stay there. This trap of obsessing over what has happened steals so much of our time, energy, joy more importantly, while stealing present possibility, so easily forgetting where and what we have now. If every time we consciously questioned ourselves “so what now?” would that not help us shift and redirect our thoughts by finding another way of understanding while at the same time allowing ourselves to take control of what we can? Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you choose to perceive) we can’t always control what or how things happen, however, that doesn’t leave us empty handed because we still have our minds and the choice to see and look for another way — ALWAYS.

So many situations I can recall where I was rejected from a job, or let down by certain individuals who didn’t keep their word and who rubbed me the wrong way, or receiving a call from your doctor on a Sunday to tell you not so good news about your blood results. This the inspiration behind this blog. So many times my mind wanted to take the old route until I discovered new ones of which saved me time, energy and where my joy wasn’t robbed.

I am standing beside myself after getting news that my blood results confirm that I have a hypo active thyroid. I am still, somewhat confused, but more- sad. I strongly believe that our health is our wealth. How interesting it is that I have taken great measures to stay healthy on many levels, but of course does this guarantee perfect health? Clearly not. I’m acting like I am perfect and that this diagnosis wasn’t in gestation. I find it quite interesting how oblivious I can be and when it comes to health everything stops and the words and question, “so what now” linger only to find answers to move forward.

Like every thought, dream, and action lead to a destination, it also has its’ own timing of which we are not in control. The impatient nature that so many of us hold, along with the obsessive self destructive chatter brewing in the crevices of our mind, and showing up as some sort of condition, disease, disorder etc,. I’m entirely convinced that we live in a time where the world is at our fingertips, with a press of a key you can learn and do pretty much anything. This a blessing and a time to be utterly grateful.

So what now?

Do I sit here and play victim, feel sorry for myself because I’ve inflicted this condition whether consciously or unconsciously? Do I blame myself or others because old thought patterns and habits die hard? Or do I Human Up and be here now? Because I know better and will do better. I do some research on prevention, symptoms, causes, prognosis — you name it, all in hopes of helping my situation because. Because I can. And won’t give myself another option.

Despite the time we are living in and the boundless opportunities available to us, I want to emphasise that I have compassion and know we all do the best we can. I treat myself in the same way because I wouldn’t be able to hold this same compassion for others had I not been able to do the same for myself.

So What now?

I will continue to treat my mind, body and spirit with respect and integrity as it so deserves. I will not give up because I’ve broken this pattern and replaced it with a new one. The one that believes in respecting the mind, body and spirit and will continue to take measures to better my health which in turn will lead me to a better life. My body is the temple whereby my spirit operates from and which life operates through and more importantly which I will serve by. I will continue to work hard on me, and however subtle the voices of doubt, fear, and overall destruction emerge, I will through constant awareness, mindfulness, and intention — persevere!

Being aware of what is at play in my mind, aware of what is coming in and going out, always learning and course correcting instead of sabotaging. More importantly, believing and trusting that the human spirit is far greater and more powerful than any and all darkness, but that in darkness we discover the power of light that the human spirit possesses.

Eternity NOW.

