Sometimes We Need To Ask — Are We Part of the Problem or Are We a Solution?

Hey guys, let’s step up and lead. I don’t mean look the part and grab attention every chance we get. Let’s be fucking leaders in this world. Leaders with the spark that lights a fire and rages out of control. I think we need leaders who demonstrate the face of change and are willing to carry the torch. Let’s project the voice of reason. Let’s be examples of what it means to succeed, even in the face of failure. Failing doesn’t deter our resolve or drive us into shutdown mode. We need leaders who understand that participating is not enough — leaders who take us back to winning and losing. True leaders who understand learning lessons to grow and achieve the desired result even if it takes a few tries.

Published in
4 min readMay 11, 2017


Take a look around at this crazy world and tell me if you really like what you see. Are you part of the problem or are you a solution? Men have gotten by on antiquated beliefs and values for far too long in my opinion. The time has come for a new breed of leadership. We need men who are accountable and not afraid of change.

Women figured out leadership decades ago and decided to stop taking shit from the mainstream’s liaise-faire attitude. Women took the reins and decided to step forward into the light without fear of failure. Men have been idle for quite some time, acting as if the past will somehow forge a path into the future. The fact of the matter is quite simple. History doesn’t owe any of us a damn thing. Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed and becomes yesterday in the blink of an eye.

Times have changed. The sooner we acknowledge it, the better off we’ll be. Equality has emerged, and I for one, am more than ok with it. I don’t get offended or the least bit intimidated by women who like to lead. I admire anyone who can take charge and create a world we can all thrive in. Man, woman or child. Please just give me someone who cares enough to put it out there and try to thread the needle without the fear of failing. I appreciate those who are willing to take aim and reach for a goal that seems too big to achieve. Big dreams require precision and discipline to realize.

Too often, it is easier to just sit back and take what we are being fed. This response creates a complacent attitude which feeds into a machine we build. We become too comfortable to stand up and then we’re too afraid to challenge things that seem wrong. Since when did it become a bad decision to do the right thing? When did we decide to settle and just look the other way? Let’s start rocking the boat and make waves. Show everyone we are confident in our skin and able to expose our inner selves without fear of judgement. There’s nothing wrong with letting everyone see our hearts.

Leaders don’t step back and let someone else take charge. They recognize when an able body can make things better through collaboration. Leaders have an open mind and the confidence to give someone else a chance in the spotlight. They maintain confidence that someone else may in fact prove to be even more effective. Isn’t that how it’s supposed to be? We should all be looking for champions willing to take it to the next level. Then we are all in a situation to succeed.

Our world is in a constant state of flux and needs true leadership more than ever. More than any other time in history, mother nature is screaming for us to do our part. This is where men need to come back into the fray. We need to rebuild all that we’ve chipped away at over the last few decades. We’ve faded into the woodwork. We need to participate. Men need to step back into the spotlight and walk the walk. Let’s not sit back in the shadows and rest on the ideals our fathers taught us. Let’s not be followers. Let’s take this opportunity to be leaders.

The only guarantee in life is this moment, right now. What any of us choose to do with it is wide open. Squander it by failing to meet our obligations. Waste the day by ignoring our responsibilities. Give it away because sometimes shit is just fucking hard. You can always choose the easy way out, just be prepared to live with the results.

Join me and step up to answer the bell and see what happens. See how that feels just once. Check your ego at the door and realize how things can be better if we just choose to make it happen. You may just find how one small ripple, makes bigger waves than you could imagine. Shit rolls downhill but so does energy, and this world needs some positive energy right about now.

Be a dad. Be a son. Be a brother. Be a husband. Be a friend. Choose to be a leader in every role you play. Let’s just be real. Real men who leave footprints for generations to follow.

Want to become a leader and turn your problems into solutions? Book a session with Brian.

Originally published at on May 11, 2017.



Writer for

Brian Hulbert is just a man walking through life without a map or compass.