Tapping into the Power of Resistance

Although it can be an uncomfortable feeling to experience, resistance can point us in the direction we truly want to go in.

Paul Harwell
Published in
2 min readMar 4, 2018


When we as humans first begin to experience new things in our lives, whether it be a relationship or anything that resembles personal growth, the first thing we always seem to do is question the appearance of the new in our lives. We ask these questions to learn more about the person we are considering a relationship with or about ourselves.

Everything is brand new to us at this stage. We get excited about the process. Questions begin to flow from us like waterfalls. But what happens when we stop asking questions? Is our growth complete? Has the new relationship become stagnant? Are all of our questions answered? Hell no.

The minute we feel as though we have learned all we can possible gather from a situation, then we become stuck. Resistance builds up. We think we are 10 feet tall and know all there is to know, but the dreaded stagnation takes over. We tend to get easily bored in this fast paced society. We stop growing and that’s when anger builds up within us.

This anger resembles that of a person pushing as hard as they can on a door that clearly says pull. We push and push until we get so mad about the damn door then we kick the daylights out of it. Why do we do this? Is it the fault of the door that it won’t open the way we want it to? No! It’s our own fault.
The resistance of that door lies within ourselves.

We have to find new ways of discovering that resistance that lies within us. Address the why. Begin asking questions about yourself. Remain curious. Continue soaking up information like a sponge. Question EVERYTHING. The day we feel as though we have no more questions to ask is the day we begin to lie to ourselves about everything we thought we knew.

Look deep within ourselves to discover our own resistance. Develop and ask our own questions. Our minds are wired to be curious and starving for answers. Feed that hunger with self knowledge. In the process, we continue to grow as humans. Don’t stop with the questions of what’s troubling us in the moment. But continue to question every moment that happens upon us in our lives. In this process, we receive more answers and encounter less resistance toward any situation. The less resistance we encounter, the more open your mind becomes.

So in conclusion, question everything and resist nothing in this life. It’s the only way to completely push open the door that says pull.

Want to push past resistance? Connect with Coach Paul Harwell.

