My key take-aways from the application process of the Jitheshraj Scholarship

Jitheshraj Scholarship for promising freshmen
2 min readMay 16, 2021

By Kishore V, Finalist, 2017–2018

From the anxiety hits the conference room had to offer until the joy of working on my own project, every step in this journey came with a new bundle to unravel and learn from.

Creating an obstacle-avoiding bot, assimilating web development, acutely analyzing technological trends, and devising solutions to critical problems were a few aspects that I focused on for the application. While all this may seem to be disengaged, deep down, there was one string that connected it all, the curiosity to explore, and as the saying goes, “You can’t connect the dots looking forward, so you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in future.”

The nature of the application process was more of an open field than a constricted track. This very factor opened up a broad expanse for my thoughts to wander, fostering interdisciplinary thinking.

I could enjoy the “being here” as much as the “looking forward” part, which constantly drove me to question my boundaries and redefine my abilities.

The brainstorming that went into writing the essays sensitized me to the prevailing trends and helped develop a sense of moral responsibility towards the community and society.

The scholarship process intended to focus more on the journey rather than the destination itself. I could enjoy the “being here” as much as the “looking forward” part, which constantly drove me to question my boundaries and redefine my abilities.

It sure did leave me amazed as to how much more the process had in itself from what met the eye, and my journey through it helped demarcate the pristine me from my bewildered self.

In due course, I realized that it is essential that we let ourselves into every possible path that our minds can flow in, only to find who we truly are and where our interests lie, for we never know about an untraveled course.

This article is a segment of my application for the ​Jitheshraj Scholarship for Promising Freshmen (JSPF), 2017–18.

