7 React Best Practices You Need to Follow in 2021

Jameela Writes
Published in
3 min readFeb 26, 2021

React.js developers best practices in 2021 to write clean and readable code which improves code’s quality. These top 7 best practices will help you to keep your code better organized if you are a React.js developer.

  1. Functional Components Over Class Components
  2. Consolidate Duplicate code — DRY your code
  3. Naming Conventions (camelCase)
  4. Make use of React Hooks and Create Custom
  5. Keep Components Small and Function-specific
  6. Improve SEO Performance
  7. Test, Test, Test!

Functional Components Over Class Components

Function components and class components are two types of components. Functional components are basic JavaScript functions while class components make use of ES6 and extend the component class in React.

With version 16.8 React introduced Hooks. React Hooks enable developers to use state, lifecycle methods and other react features within functional components.

Consolidate duplicate code — DRY your code

To keep code as brief and concise is a common practice in coding. The best way to write concise code is to avoid duplication of code, don’t repeat yourself (DRY). It is possible to repeat code and there is scope to eliminate duplication. This relies heavily on the reusability principle in React.

Naming Conventions (camelCase)

Naming conventions are a set of rules, used for choosing proper character sequences that are used for an identifier, which specially denote variables, functions, class, and other entities in source code. The use of camelCase is a good practice for naming conventions with React.

There are two varieties of camelcase

  • UppercamelCase
  • LowerCamelCase

Make Use of React Hooks and Create Custom

Since React version 16.8.0, the release of React Hooks, function-based components have been elevated into first-class citizens of React. It’s now possible to use state and lifecycle methods inside functional components using React hooks.

You can write better readable code that is much easier to maintain. React allows you to define your own react hook to extract the logic and make components more readable. Instead of copying the function you can define the logic as a React hook and reuse it in other functions.

Keep Components Small and Function-specific

With React, a developer can have a huge component to execute a number of tasks. To design components, it’s a better way to keep them small. There are many advantages to keeping small components.

  • Small components can be reused across multiple projects.
  • Easier to update smaller components
  • Bigger components may be harder to maintain

Improve SEO Performance

To solve the issue with the full page loading, developers came up with JS-based SPA. To bring quality traffic to your website, then you need to focus on the specific keyword related to the type of website and target customer intent. Top popular companies use ReactJS to empower their business.

  • Yahoo
  • Netflix
  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • WhatsApp web
  • And more

Test, Test, Test!

Last but not least, the best ReactJS practice is to test your code. Once you follow all the other best practices in react, Your code should be easy to test. There are different types of testing. There are different types of testing that you can do, i.e

  • Unit testing
  • Component Testing
  • End to End Testing

Warping Up

ReactJS is used by the top websites and is one of the most used JavaScript libraries. There are a number of reasons that help you to empower your business with React.js development. You can explore in detail all the above best React practices 2021 and that will help you to make React development easier.



Jameela Writes
Writer for

Content Writer and Digital Marketer. I believe that an investment in true learning is a better safeguard of a bright future.