The Demanding “Technology Stacks” in 2021 — MEAN / MERN

Waheed Iqbal
Published in
3 min readMay 27, 2021
Photo by Fotis Fotopoulos on Unsplash

Most organizations are using different technology stacks for developing web applications. It is a growing requirement in modern web development.

Table of content

  • Introduction
  • What is a Technology Stack?
  • What is MERN Stack?
  • Which Stack is in demand for 2021, MERN or MEAN?
  • Where I can find MERN Stack Developers?
  • Conclusion

The introduction of new technologies has changed the web development market in 2021. Developers use ‘stacks’ of technologies to develop creative and attractive websites/applications.

What is a Tech Stack?

A “Stack” is a combination of different programming languages, technologies, or even software products. These days, developers are implementing the strategy of using various technologies or stacks to enable faster websites or applications.

There are different types of Stacks, but if we talk about the next-generation technologies, MEAN and MERN stacks are named foremost due to flexibility and ease of use.

What is MERN Stack?

Developers use MERN Stack to build modern apps. There are four keywords used in this Acronym, and each alphabet is an abbreviation for the tech behind it; the MERN stack stands for

M = Mongodb

E = Express

R = ReactJS

N = NodeJS

This stack enables devs to create projects extremely fast because of NodeJS & ReactJS. All the four components of MERN Stack provide the developers with an end-to-end framework to work with.

MERN Stack covers the complete development cycle — starting from front-end development to back-end development. MERN stack supports the MVC architecture, which makes the development process hurdle-free. The MERN stack comes with a set of pre-built exclusive testing tools.

Which Stack is in demand in 2021, MERN or MEAN?

Both MERN and MEAN stacks share expected benefits, especially in terms of usability and flexibility. MERN Stack seems like a clear winner over MEAN. Many companies used to hire MEAN stack developers, but now they are gradually shifting towards MERN Stack.

One of the biggest reasons why react is beating Angular is React-native. It gives a clear advantage over Angular. Especially for startups, React is more attractive both as a web & mobile technology. MERN stack seems to be in demand, and on the other hand, AngularJS is on a slight decline.

Where I can find MERN Stack Developers?

Millions of developers offer their services worldwide, and they can be hired online. Several platforms connect clients with skilled developers specialized in MERN stack development services.

The MERN Framework is growing in popularity and is a powerful stack to work with. You can hire MERN Stack developers on multiple freelancing platforms online.

Find Skilled MERN Stack Developers

JSdevs is trusted by a diverse range of clients. You can find MERN stack developers who can deliver on-demand solutions for your business.


MERN stack enables developers to build highly efficient web applications. Hire a team of highly skilled MERN stack developers who are skilled at handling any MERN project using MongoDB, EXpressJS, ReactJS, and NodeJS.



Waheed Iqbal
Writer for

Digital marketing & growth hacking professional. Knows about SEO, SEM, Email & Content Strategy. Likes to write about digital, blockchain and cyber-security.