Announcing: DevTrends

Anthony Gore
Vue.js Developers
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2 min readApr 9, 2021

Web dev technology is moving fast, and it seems that every week something new and interesting is being released.

Do you find it hard to find time to check out all the new tools and techniques that everyone’s talking about like Svelte, Snowpack, WASM, XState, Jamstack, etc etc?

Introducing DevTrends

I’ve been working on a new project, DevTrends which provides short, high-quality videos on important new development topics, released every week.

Check out DevTrends now 👈

Who am I?

In case you’re new to the Vue.js Developers Medium publication, my name is Anthony Gore, and I’m the editor.

I’ve been an online course creator and web development blogger since 2016. I’m a Vue Community Partner and the author of Full-Stack Vue 2 and Laravel 5.

I created DevTrends to give you easy-to-watch videos that cover the key ideas of trending new tools in a thorough yet concise way.

So, why do you need DevTrends?

Why do you need DevTrends when there are already blogs and online courses covering these same subjects?

Well, if you’re like me and most other developers, you probably don’t have time to be taking a course on every new topic!

For most new developer tools you simply want to know:

  • What is it?
  • What do I need it for?
  • Why is it better or different from what I already use?
  • Why is everyone raving about it?

I find that’s it’s hard to get straight answers to these questions without spending a lot of time digging around docs and well-intentioned but fairly lacking blog posts.

The purpose of DevTrends is to give you easy-to-watch videos that cover the key ideas of trending new tools in a thorough yet concise way.

In fact, a typical DevTrends video will only be around 10 mins — just enough for you to decide whether the topic is something you’d want to pursue further.

How to subscribe to DevTrends

I’m still putting the finishing touches on DevTrends, so it’s not officially launched yet. If you’d like to see some sample videos, join the Early Access email list below

Join DevTrends Early Access 👈

I’d love to hear any feedback you have or answer any questions, so feel to reply here or catch me on my Twitter.

— Anthony Gore, Vue.js Developers Editor

P.S. To celebrate the launch of DevTrends, I’ll be providing a great launch discount for Vue.js Developers subscribers so keep an eye out for the announcement!

