Build a website using Nuxt & Contentful — A step by step guide

Nicky Christensen
Vue.js Developers


As a frontend-developer, working with static-site-generators and serverless architecture is a joy, and with it, we can create very powerful and amazing applications which we can also server-side render

This article aims to give you a step by step guide for building a very basic website using Nuxtjs + Contentful — Including a simple Vuex example.

Find the full GIT repo here:

Personally, my own website is running on a Nuxt/Contentful setup with Continuous deployment by connecting my GIT repo with Netlify, this combined with Contentful’s webhooks to rebuild your site automatically when publishing new content is just…. Awesome

What is Nuxt

If you’ve built Vue applications before, you’ve probably heard about NuxtJS, which is the equivalent to what NextJS is for React.

Nuxt is a framework that builds on top of Vue that simplifies the development of universal or single page Vue apps, which is great if you are building a website and want to make sure it can get indexed by Google.

Derick Sozo has written a great piece on why you should choose Nuxt for for next webapplication which can be found here…



Nicky Christensen
Vue.js Developers

FE Lead at - A danish guy who speaks about frontend, tech & leadership - Follow & connect @