Connect i18n and vee-validate. Nuxt validation and internationalization.

Abdulla Emchiyev
Vue.js Developers
Published in
6 min readJan 31, 2020


Vue js is one of the best framework in frontend world. People always use it because of its simplicity and effectivity. In this article you will not learn how to use Vue itself but how to use in18n translation library and vee-validate validation library together within Nuxt js. Nuxt is one of the best wrapper tool for Vue. So you must have some Vue and little Nuxt degree to understand what is going on here :) Anyway good readings.

Nuxt js was built on top of Vue js framework and generally saying it gives you the development speed with zero configuration and at the same time great flexible configuration options. Here you can get all information about NUXT.

“Vuei18n is internationalization plugin for Vue.js” as they states in official site. And Vee-validate is a validation library was created for use in Vue js applications. You can get information from official documentation. I have used both of them but a little ago I have needed to use them together as -translated validations and localization. After some research I have found a suitable way and I will share it with you in this article. Let’s get started!

First lets create a fresh Nuxt application together. I will create the project while writing this article and add it to my github so you can use it. So running below…

