How to deploy Nuxt application to server. Production mode on.

Abdulla Emchiyev
Vue.js Developers
Published in
6 min readJan 26, 2021


Nuxt on Vue

If you ever created a Nuxt application you will face some deployment issues over the time. You probably want some online testing environment for your teammate to test the developed features. So I will show you various deployment techniques which I have used on different situations. This will be multiple articles following each other. So lets start doing not just reading ;).

I will use Digital Ocean VPS service to gain full control over our application. If you never used this service please don’t be sad I will explain every step one by one. So enough introduction, lets get start to actual job.

First register or sign on DigitalOcean. Then create a droplet to deploy our Nuxt application. On left menu choose Droplets and create new one.

I will use the cheapest version for demo purposes. Don’t be panic you will not be charged until your free credits ended after a month. So test as much as you want :). My settings looks as below.

