How to Integrate Interactive SVG Map in Vuejs

Its a step by step tutorial of how to integrate SVG map in vuejs

Anamol Soman
Vue.js Developers
2 min readJul 9, 2020


SVG map of Maharashtra, India

Hello guys, In this blog, we will see how to integrate interactive maps in vuejs. first I will clarify that what is interactive map then we will jump on the coding side

Interactive Map Means?

Interactive means we can select a particular part of the map and perform some operation on it. For example, The given map represents the Maharashtra state of India in which there are many districts so on mouse hover I can see the district name as a tooltip or we can show any information related to that district.

You need to write some API and fetch the data of that district but we are not talking about that in this tutorial we will see how to populate that data

Get SVG Map of Country or State You Want to Design

Here I am using a map of the Maharashtra state of India you can use any map you just need to find the SVG map of your country or state.

Above code is nothing but our map wrapped between SVG tags and a path tag means the particular district of that map

If we want to perform some action we can add a mouse click or hover effect to a particular path tag. I added get info method which is called on hover

Here I added that function and some styling for the map you can customize it.


SO that’s it, Our interactive map is ready to use can add your functionality in getInfo() and change the map styling using id and class. I hope this blog is helpful for you.

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Anamol Soman
Vue.js Developers

Experienced frontend developer with 5 years of proficiency in creating responsive and user-friendly web applications.