Understanding Vue 3 Reactivity | by Anamol Soman

In depth explanation of vue 3 reactivity

Anamol Soman
6 min readAug 29, 2024
Photo by Emile Perron on Unsplash


When Vue 3 was released, one of the most significant changes was its reactivity system. This system is the heart of Vue, enabling it to respond efficiently to changes in data and reflect those changes in the DOM. Whether you’re a seasoned Vue 2 developer or new to the Vue ecosystem, understanding how Vue 3’s reactivity works is crucial. In this blog, we’ll explore Vue 3’s reactivity in detail, focusing on how it works, why it’s powerful, and how you can use it effectively in your applications.

What is Reactivity?

In simple terms, reactivity is the concept of making objects reactive to changes. When a reactive property in an object is modified, any part of the UI that depends on that property will automatically update to reflect the change. Vue achieves this through a system of watchers and dependencies.

In Vue 2, reactivity was achieved using Object.defineProperty. However, Vue 3 introduces a more powerful and flexible reactivity system using JavaScript Proxies.

How Vue 3 Reactivity Works

1. Proxies: The Core of Reactivity

Vue 3’s reactivity is built on JavaScript’s Proxy API. A Proxy allows you to intercept and redefine fundamental operations for an object, such as property access, assignment, deletion, and more. This makes it ideal for implementing a reactivity system.

When you create a reactive object using Vue 3’s reactive API, Vue internally wraps the object with a Proxy. Here's a simple example:

import { reactive } from 'vue';

const state = reactive({
count: 0,

// Accessing the property
console.log(state.count); // 0

// Modifying the property
state.count = 1;
console.log(state.count); // 1

Understanding Vue 3 Reactivity: A Gentle Dive

When Vue 3 was released, one of the most significant changes was its reactivity system. This system is the heart of Vue, enabling it to respond efficiently to changes in data and reflect those changes in the DOM. Whether you’re a seasoned Vue 2 developer or new to the Vue ecosystem, understanding how Vue 3’s reactivity works is crucial. In this blog, we’ll explore Vue 3’s reactivity in detail, focusing on how it works, why it’s powerful, and how you can use it effectively in your applications.

What is Reactivity?

In simple terms, reactivity is the concept of making objects reactive to changes. When a reactive property in an object is modified, any part of the UI that depends on that property will automatically update to reflect the change. Vue achieves this through a system of watchers and dependencies.

In Vue 2, reactivity was achieved using Object.defineProperty. However, Vue 3 introduces a more powerful and flexible reactivity system using JavaScript Proxies.

How Vue 3 Reactivity Works

1. Proxies: The Core of Reactivity

Vue 3’s reactivity is built on JavaScript’s Proxy API. A Proxy allows you to intercept and redefine fundamental operations for an object, such as property access, assignment, deletion, and more. This makes it ideal for implementing a reactivity system.

When you create a reactive object using Vue 3’s reactive API, Vue internally wraps the object with a Proxy. Here's a simple example:

import { reactive } from 'vue';

const state = reactive({
count: 0,

// Accessing the property
console.log(state.count); // 0

// Modifying the property
state.count = 1;
console.log(state.count); // 1

In this example, state is a reactive object. Any change to its properties will trigger updates wherever those properties are used.

2. Tracking and Triggering

Vue 3’s reactivity system is based on two main concepts: tracking and triggering.

  • Tracking: When you access a property on a reactive object, Vue tracks which effect (a function that relies on this data) depends on it. This is done using a dependency tracking system.
  • Triggering: When you modify a property, Vue knows which effects depend on that property and triggers them to update the UI or perform any other necessary side effects.

This tracking and triggering system is what allows Vue to efficiently update only the parts of the DOM that need to be updated, rather than re-rendering the entire component.

Creating Reactive Data: reactive vs ref

Vue 3 provides two primary ways to create reactive data: reactive and ref.

1. reactive: For Objects

The reactive function is used to create a reactive object. It takes an object as an argument and returns a Proxy-wrapped version of that object.

import { reactive } from 'vue';

const state = reactive({
user: {
name: 'Anamol',
age: 28,

state.user.name = 'Soman';
console.log(state.user.name); // Soman

Here, state.user.name is reactive, and any change to it will trigger updates.

2. ref: For Primitive Values

While reactive is excellent for objects, you might need to create reactive primitives (like strings, numbers, or booleans). This is where ref comes into play.

import { ref } from 'vue';

const count = ref(0);

console.log(count.value); // 1

ref creates a reactive reference to a primitive value. The value is accessed and modified via the .value property.

Why ref for Primitives?

You might wonder why Vue needs a special method for primitives. This is because primitive values (like numbers) are not objects and cannot be wrapped with a Proxy. Therefore, Vue uses ref to create an object with a value property, which can be made reactive.

Reactive vs. Non-Reactive Data

In Vue 3, you can mix reactive and non-reactive data within the same component. However, it’s essential to understand when to use each. For example, if you have data that doesn’t change or doesn’t need to trigger UI updates, you can use non-reactive data. This can be done simply by not wrapping it in reactive or ref.

const nonReactiveData = {
message: 'Hello, world!',

This data is not reactive, and Vue won’t track or trigger updates based on changes to it.

Computed Properties: Derived Reactive Data

In addition to reactive and ref, Vue 3 offers computed properties. Computed properties are reactive, derived values that automatically update when their dependencies change. They're handy for encapsulating logic that involves reactive data.

import { reactive, computed } from 'vue';

const state = reactive({
firstName: 'Anamol',
lastName: 'Soman',

const fullName = computed(() => `${state.firstName} ${state.lastName}`);

console.log(fullName.value); // Anamol Soman

state.firstName = 'John';
console.log(fullName.value); // John Soman

Here, fullName is a computed property that depends on state.firstName and state.lastName. Whenever either of these properties changes, fullName will automatically update.

When to Use reactive, ref, and computed

  • reactive: Use for complex objects and nested structures. It’s great for creating a state object that holds multiple properties.
  • ref: Best for single primitive values or when you want to create a reactive variable that can be reassigned.
  • computed: Ideal for creating derived state that depends on other reactive properties.

Vue 3 Reactivity in Composition API

The Composition API is one of the most notable features introduced in Vue 3. It provides a more flexible way to organize and reuse code, particularly in large applications.

Using reactive and ref in the Composition API looks like this:

import { reactive, ref } from 'vue';

export default {
setup() {
const state = reactive({
count: 0,

const doubleCount = computed(() => state.count * 2);

function increment() {

return {

In this example, we’ve created a reactive state object and a computed doubleCount property. The increment function updates the count, and thanks to Vue's reactivity system, doubleCount will always reflect the correct value.


Vue 3’s reactivity system is a significant evolution from Vue 2, offering more power, flexibility, and efficiency. By leveraging Proxies, Vue 3 provides a more robust way to track changes and update the UI. Understanding when to use reactive, ref, and computed is key to building effective and maintainable Vue applications.

Whether you’re working on small projects or large-scale applications, mastering Vue 3’s reactivity will undoubtedly enhance your development workflow and help you build dynamic, responsive UIs with ease. Happy coding!

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Anamol Soman

Experienced frontend developer with 5 years of proficiency in creating responsive and user-friendly web applications.