Using Web Workers Vue Applications.

Practical application of web workers in Vue.

Victor Onuoha Martins
Vue.js Developers
5 min readJan 1, 2021


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This post assumes you have basic knowledge of Javascript and Vue.

Single-Threaded JavaScript

As a single-threaded programming language, Javascript can only perform a single set of instructions at a time. This means that every other process has to wait for one instruction to complete before the next process is executed.

This would pose a speed problem in our web application if we had to carry out heavy processes and also want the user to still be able to interact with our application. Say we needed to calculate the return on investment of multiple investment packages, and still make sure these processes are non-blocking and do not run on the main thread, so we can perform other tasks on the main thread, like making a network request…Enters web workers.

Note: blocking refers to serial processing — Doing one thing at a time. Non-blocking on the other hand code (asynchronous) can run in parallel (or multithreaded)

Web workers allow us to run processes in the background thread and notify the main thread when those processes are complete. This adds a great performance boost as we do not need to chunk up everything on the main thread.

Web workers

Web Workers are a simple means for web content to run scripts in background threads. The worker thread can perform tasks without interfering with the user interface. Once created, a worker can send messages to the JavaScript code that created it by posting messages to an event handler specified by that code (and vice versa). — MDN

Web workers in Javascript

The main thread creates the worker using the “Worker” constructor. This constructor takes in a single argument, the path to the worker file. The worker file contains the code that will run in the worker thread; workers run in another global context that is different from the current window.

Data is passed between the worker and the main thread via messages — the main thread and worker thread sends messages using the postMessage() method, and respond to messages sent using the onmessage handler.

Here’s a simple example of implementing web workers in Javascript.

Using Web workers in Vue

To use web workers in a Vue application, we can either use a web worker wrapper for vue like the vue-worker package or implement it low-level (build from the ground up). I’ll be keeping it simple and would build this example without the vue-worker package so we understand what happens under the hood.

Let’s set up our vue application.

To keep it simple, I’ll use the Vue CDN in a plain HTML page, as opposed to using the vue-cli to generate a project. Let’s set up our application folder. Our folder structure would look something like this:

folder structure


We’ll implement the same Javascript example in Vue (a countdown timer), Since the countdown timer is a long-running process, we’ll delegate it to our web worker and trigger a method on our main thread to fetch a random dog image from this API when our counter value is divisible by 10. The result looks something like this:

screenshot of application


In our index.html file, we’ll structure our markup, include the vue-next CDN link, our main script file, and the mount point for vue.


Here we’ve imported our CSS file at the top and our scripts at the bottom. We’re also displaying a counter property from our data object when it’s available. With the image tag we also render the “dogImage” value when available.

Next, we’ll set up our vue app in our app.js entry file.

Because this example application depends heavily on the web workers, we need to first check that the browser supports Workers then we instantiate a new Worker class.


Next we setup our App object.

We’ll have two data properties:

In our methods object, we’ll create a single method to fetch random dog images from the dog API.

Finally, in the mounted hook, we’ll call the getDogImage method the first time, then set up an onmessage listener on our worker object to listen to updates from the worker thread, we check if the counter value sent by the worker is divisible by 10, if it is, we call the getDogImage method again.

We then mount the App object on the #app element.

The entire app.js file should look something like this:


In our worker.js file, we’ll set up the counter logic to count up to 1000 before resetting. We use the postMessage method to send the new counter value to the main thread which will be received by the onmessage listener.


For a little bit of aesthetic, we’ll add some styling. Add this within the app.css file.


You can start the application with LiveServer on VScode.

You should find the application running on port 5500.

Check out the source code of the example app used.

Cheers ☕️

