Vue 3 Tips & Best Practices

Nicky Christensen
Vue.js Developers
Published in
6 min readFeb 6, 2022


I’ll share my knowledge in giving you tips and the best practices when working with the latest version of Vue, Vue3.

If you haven’t made the transition to Vue 3 just yet, I recommend you check out my article on Vue 2! Even if you have made the transition, there are still some tips that may apply to Vue 3

Personally, I made the switch to Vue 3 about a year ago, after having been working with Vue 2 for several years.

My team and I were starting out a huge rewrite of an old AngularJS platform, and we decided to build the new and improved platform on Vue 3. The past year has been a lot of learning in regards to Vue 3. As a result of this, I would like to share my advice, tips, and best practices with you, if you’re in the moment of building a new Vue application.

Ref vs Reactive

There is a lot of discussions out there about when to use what. I find that when working with primitives, always go with ref(). When working with objects, go with reactive()

//When working with primitives like string, numbers…



Nicky Christensen
Vue.js Developers

FE Lead at - A danish guy who speaks about frontend, tech & leadership - Follow & connect @