JS.weekly() => #32

Published in
2 min readMar 15, 2019

Authenticating an AWS AppSync GraphQL API with Auth0

In this tutorial, the author will walk through how to implement OIDC authentication for your AWS AppSync endpoint using Auth0 as the authentication provider.

“LOCK TABLE” can harm your database’s health

To avoid the problem:

  • Don’t use LOCK on a routine basis. Once a day for the nightly bulk load is fine, as long as autovacuum has enough time to finish during the day.
  • Tune autovacuum to run more aggressively and hence faster. This can be done by increasing autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit and reducing autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay.
  • Use PostgreSQL 9.6 or later. Anti-wraparound autovacuum has been improved in 9.6; it now skips pages with only frozen rows to speed up processing.

React Native 0.59

  • Hooks are here
  • Updated JSC means performance gains and 64-bit support on Android
  • Faster app launches with inline requires
  • Lean core is underway
  • CLI improvements

We are adding new libraries to JavaScripting.com every week. Here is one worth checking out:


Redhooks is a tiny React utility library for holding a predictable state container in your React apps. Inspired by Redux, it reimplements the redux paradigm of state-management by using React’s new Hooks and Context API, which have been officially released by the React team.

JS.weekly() is a weekly digest of the best JavaScript articles, hand-picked by our experts in the JavaScripting community, sponsored by Salsita Software. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter.




The best JavaScript, web development and general programming articles of the day. Sponsored by Salsita Software (http://www.salsitasoft.com)