JS.weekly() => #41: WebAssembly at eBay

WebAssembly at eBay, JS best practices, React Server-Side Rendering and Vue Trend Chart.

2 min readJun 3, 2019


WebAssembly at eBay: A Real-World Use Case

“The whole WebAssembly journey was a great learning experience for us. Engineers get pretty excited about new technologies and immediately want to try them out. If the same technology makes a positive impact on a customer-centric metric, it is a double delight. This alludes to an earlier point in this post. Technology evolves at a very rapid pace. Every day we hear new things getting launched. But only a few make a difference to customers, and WebAssembly is one of them. This was our biggest learning from this exercise — Saying ‘’No’ to 99 things and ‘Yes’ to the one thing that really matters to our customers.”

JavaScript Clean Code — Best Practices

The article covers strong type checks, variables, functions, conditionals and ES classes.

Better Apps with React Server-Side Rendering

“ Global services are also actually a great idea. Browser states are global, so data based on the browser state should be too. There’s zero chance of redundant requests when you load everything in one place and you can find out immediately if you’re not getting the data you need by inspecting the Redux state on load.”

We are adding new libraries to JavaScripting.com every week. Here is one worth checking out:

Vue Trend Chart

Simple trend charts for Vue.js.

One more thing. Check the latest article on Salsita Software blog from Roman Kašpar, who is a CTO at Salsita Software.

How we manage our hardware at Salsita with Siros

“Our in-house Siros web app provides an elegant solution to both challenges. Not only does the repository help us manage all the hardware in use, it also gives us the option to recycle used equipment on a common marketplace. Siros keeps track of all the hardware details, such as its original price, the previous user and how long it has been in service. Other technical specifications such as screen size or hard drive capacity are also available. Employees can monitor their hardware as well as the current state of their budget with the option to purchase used hardware for cash (for personal use) or with their remaining budget (for work use).

If you are facing similar problems at your company (and you are tired of updating Excel sheets or the like), take a look at our solution and get inspired!”

JS.weekly() is a weekly digest of the best JavaScript articles, hand-picked by our experts in the JavaScripting community, sponsored by Salsita Software. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter.




The best JavaScript, web development and general programming articles of the day. Sponsored by Salsita Software (http://www.salsitasoft.com)