JS.weekly() => #53: Software Delivery Guide

Navigation on mobile web pages, new JS features, and new library Radial Menu.

1 min readSep 3, 2019


Software Delivery Guide

Detailed guide with many resources to software delivery and DevOps.

Bottom Navigation Pattern On Mobile Web Pages: A Better Alternative?

“The facts are quite clear: Phones are getting bigger, and some parts of the screen are easier to interact with than others. Having the hamburger menu at the top provides too big of an interaction cost, and we have a large number of amazing mobile app designs that utilize the bottom part of the screen. Maybe it’s time for the web design world to start using these ideas on websites as well?”

7 Exciting New JavaScript Features You Need to Know

  1. Private fields #
  2. Optional Chaining ?.
  3. Nullish Coalescing??
  4. Biglnt 1n
  5. static Fields
  6. Top Level await
  7. WeakRef

We are adding new libraries to JavaScripting.com every week. Here is one worth checking out:

Radial Menu

A highly customizable radial menu that’s very easy to setup.

JS.weekly() is a weekly digest of the best JavaScript articles, hand-picked by our experts in the JavaScripting community, sponsored by Salsita Software. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter.




The best JavaScript, web development and general programming articles of the day. Sponsored by Salsita Software (http://www.salsitasoft.com)