JS.weekly() => #54: How Web Content Can Affect Power Usage

Automated tests for React, TypeScript & React Hooks and reactivity trade-offs.

1 min readSep 11, 2019


How Web Content Can Affect Power Usage

“Users spend a large proportion of their online time on mobile devices, and a significant fraction of the rest is users on untethered laptop computers. For both, battery life is critical. In this post, we’ll talk about factors that affect battery life, and how you, as a web developer, can make your pages more power efficient so that users can spend more time engaged with your content.”

Designing automated tests for React

Practical insights from Mailchimp’s approach to frontend testing.

Type-safe state modeling with TypeScript and React Hooks

“In this post I will illustrate some of the benefits to using typescript strict mode with React Hooks and hope that you will consider using it for your TypeScript+React projects. Seemingly trivial things such as avoiding the Any type and ensuring you always define a return type will allow the type system to catch your mistakes before they can become runtime errors. This is especially helpful when debugging state management in React, where tracking down runtime errors can be particularly challenging.”

We are adding new libraries to JavaScripting.com every week. Here is one worth checking out:

Ngx Auth Firebaseui

Angular Material UI component for firebase authentication.

JS.weekly() is a weekly digest of the best JavaScript articles, hand-picked by our experts in the JavaScripting community, sponsored by Salsita Software. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter.




The best JavaScript, web development and general programming articles of the day. Sponsored by Salsita Software (http://www.salsitasoft.com)