JS.weekly() => #57: Human Readable JavaScript

PostgresSQL, Service Mesh and Frontless

1 min readOct 4, 2019


Human Readable JavaScript

“For a long time, humans needed to “speak” like machines in order to communicate with them. And that’s still true, we still have the need for people who work in assembly and other low-level languages. But for many of us, these complexities are abstracted away. Our job, is to focus on what is readable for humans and let the machines interpret our code.”

What’s Faster? COUNT(*) or COUNT(1)?

“As it is now in 2019, given the database versions mentioned above, unfortunately, there is a significant difference between COUNT(*) and COUNT(1) in PostgreSQL. Luckily (and this is rare in SQL), all the other dialects don’t care and thus, consistently using COUNT(*), rather than COUNT(1) is a slightly better choice for ALL measured database products from this article.”

Chart a Course for a Service Mesh Future: Lifting Off with Istio

“A service mesh allows you to connect, secure, control, and observe services in an orchestrator platform. The term “service mesh” itself applies either to the set of overlapping network connections between services in a distributed application or to a set of tools used to manage that group of connected services.”

We are adding new libraries to JavaScripting.com every week. Here is one worth checking out:


Build universal JS applications with Riot.JS

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