JS.weekly() => #62: Create custom GraphQL types

Published in
1 min readJan 31, 2020

Styled-components v5, debug z-index and Jsuites jSuites.

Announcing styled-components v5: Beast Mode

It’s faster, cleaner thanks to hooks and easier extendable.

Create custom GraphQL types

“In this article let’s go over how to create what is called a Scalar type in GraphQL which is basically just a fancy term to say we are creating a new type we can use in our Schema.”

Debug z-index stacking content with 3D View in the Microsoft Edge DevTools

“ We are thrilled to announce the next iteration of 3D View in the Microsoft Edge DevTools, with a new feature to help debug z-index stacking context. The general 3D View shows a representation of the DOM (Document Object Model) depth using color and stacking, and the z-Index view helps you isolate the different stacking contexts of your page.”

We are adding new libraries to JavaScripting.com every week. Here is one worth checking out:

Jsuites jSuites

Dollection of lightweight common required javascript web components. It is composed of fully responsive vanilla plugins to help you bring the best user experience to your projects, independent of the platform. Same JS codebase across different platforms.

JS.weekly() is a weekly digest of the best JavaScript articles, hand-picked by our experts in the JavaScripting community, sponsored by Salsita Software. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter.




The best JavaScript, web development and general programming articles of the day. Sponsored by Salsita Software (http://www.salsitasoft.com)