Introducing the first js13kGames Community Soundtrack

Joao L.
Published in
1 min readOct 23, 2023

The best games all have something in common: great soundtracks.
But I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that great game soundtracks don’t need big budget philharmonic compositions to be fun experiences. In fact, many fun games have simple tunes created in JavaScript using a myriad of tools, or even programmed by hand directly using the Web Audio API.

Despite the tough size constraints, the top games in the js13kGames competition wouldn’t reach the top if they didn’t also get top marks in the Audio criterion. Some of the games offered complex, dynamic, and catchy soundtracks that seamlessly blended with the gameplay.

This year our community decided to extend their cooperation a bit further. We’re banding together to collect these tunes and create the first ever js13kGames Community Soundtrack!

Join the project

Did you participate in this year’s js13kGames competition? Has your game included a melody that deserves to be heard on loop? I’d like to invite you to join us over on Slack to join our group and share your music in the #soundtrack channel. If you need help extracting or recording it, you’ll find some helping hands there too!

