js13kGames 2021 Awards Ceremony

Andrzej Mazur
Published in
Sep 29, 2021

Similar to how we organized it last year, we’re going to have an Awards Ceremony this year as well to announce the winners, but also showcase interesting entries, share experts’ feedback, win swag in a quiz, and much more.

Join us, if you want to be amongst the first ones who got to know the winners!

It’s going to happen online next week, on Tuesday October 5th, starting at 6 PM CET (GMT+2) - make sure to join the event on Meetup! Our host for the evening will be Sascha Depold from eBay, and the session will be recorded to be published later on on our YouTube channel.



Andrzej Mazur

HTML5 Game Developer, Enclave Games indie studio founder, js13kGames competition creator and Gamedev.js Weekly newsletter publisher.