Three FireDEV Podcast episodes about js13kGames

Andrzej Mazur
Published in
Feb 6, 2024

Not one, nor two, but three FireDEV Podcast episodes were published almost one after another, including interviews with Andrzej Mazur, Rémi Vansteelandt, and Ewa Mazur.

The competition founder, winner of the 2023 edition, and the competition graphic designer all talked with the host about js13kGames, and more. Here are the given episodes on YouTube (in chronological order):

FireDEV - Andrzej Mazur: creator of the js13kGames competition & HTML5 game developer

FireDEV - Remí Vansteelandt: winner of js13kGames, how I won, how I publish games on Steam

FireDEV - Ewa Mazur: Enclave Games graphic designer & js13kGames judge, what makes a good game?

Check them all out!



Andrzej Mazur

HTML5 Game Developer, Enclave Games indie studio founder, js13kGames competition creator and Gamedev.js Weekly newsletter publisher.