Sending A Hero Home

A Memorial for Detective Brad D. Lancaster; Kansas City, Kansas Police Department

Josh Santiago
8 min readMay 22, 2016

As a photographer, I have the chance to cover a lot of events and capture a lot of moments. Nothing; however, could prepare me for covering the funeral of a police officer. Last Monday, twitter and the news as awash with the news of a police shooting, a manhunt, and later in the day; the death of a police officer. I knew, when the news broke that Detective Lancaster had died that I would be covering the memorial. So what happened, that is what I was asked the most over the last few days. From my understanding; detective Lancaster, a nine year veteran of the Kansas City, Kansas Police force was responding to a call for help from other officers. He was responding to the search for a suspicious person, when he approached the suspect, he was shot five times. The suspect then fled, shooting several other people later that day, and kidnapping two kids. That afternoon, police cornered him and shot him while taking him into custody. At around 3:30 PM on May 9, 2016, Detective Lancaster succumbed to his injuries and passed away at KU Medical Center, in Kansas City. He left behind a wife, and two young daughters. Below is a copy of his Obituary from the Kansas City Star.

Detective Brad D. Lancaster, 39, was tragically called home due to injuries he received while protecting our city on Monday, May 9, 2016 in Kansas City, Kansas. Services will start at 11:00 am on Saturday, May 14th, at Children’s Mercy Park (Home of Sporting…

