How to improve your Shopify store Performance & Speed

Hervé Fulchiron JS Full Stack Engineering
3 min readJul 8, 2020

We all know Shopify is currently the best ecommerce platform on the market. Nonetheless the major issue with Shopify hosted stores is the lack of performance.

Shopify stores are still way too slow.

To make my case, I made this little study.

On one side, I built this very basic Shopify store…

…using this Simple theme.

Here are the Lighthouse Google scores for the simplest Shopify store:

Not bad but the Shopify CDN calls are still the main reason for this slow website load.

Because of this, it is very difficult to reach a Lighthouse performance score close to 100/100.

On the other side, I built and deployed this not so simple Gridsomify powered Shopify store. I used this TailwindCSS Gridsome Shopify starter.

Gridsome + Shopify = ❤️

It features:

  • Top Scores on Google Lighthouse!
  • Full SSR (Server Side Redenring) Static Site
  • Progressive Web App (PWA) with “Add to Home Screen” button
  • Connected to Shopify backend
  • Home Page showing Featured Products
  • Product Search
  • Product Page
  • Collection Search
  • All Collections Page
  • TailwindCSS with PurgeCSS to remove unused css
  • SEO optimized
  • Sitemap

Here are the Lighthouse scores for this headless ecommerce store:

This study shows if you want to build a fast and performant frontend for your Shopify store, you will need to lean toward Headless eCommerce.

This is the difference between driving a Bugatti versus a BMW.

Building a Shopify Headless store has never been easier.

Gridsomify offers the best solution for a Headless eCommerce store powered by a Shopify backend.

Gridsome is Fast by default.

We Live and Breathe Headless Commerce. Feel free to ask me any questions on how to improve the speed and performance of your Shopify store.

For more information please go to Gridsome + Shopify.



Hervé Fulchiron JS Full Stack Engineering

Passionate JavaScript Full Stack Developer specialized in Vue, Gridsome, Shopify progressive web apps and Crypto Trading Solutions.