Paper Trade / Forward Testing TradingView Strategies for Binance

To Send Your Signals to BVA from your TradingView Strategy

You need to add our web hook into your TradingView alert setting:

The format of your alert should be:

your_bva_key|your strategy name|{{strategy.order.action}}|{{ticker}}|{{strategy.market_position}}

  • your_bva_key is your BVA key you find after signing up at
  • your strategy name is the name of your strategy, changing it will track a new strategy.
  • action could be buy, sell, take or close.
  • ticker should be a valid binance pair.
  • position can be empty or be either flat, long or short.

For the developers, simply POST call our web hook, and use the same format for the BODY.



Hervé Fulchiron JS Full Stack Engineering

Passionate JavaScript Full Stack Developer specialized in Vue, Gridsome, Shopify progressive web apps and Crypto Trading Solutions.